Understanding Meter Readings

Actual Meter Readings vs. Estimated Bills

Lehigh County Authority uses a “drive-by” system to capture customers’ water meter readings.

Electronic Read Transmitter (ERT) attached to meter.

As our technician drives by your property, the system “pings” the Electronic Read Transmitter (ERT) attached to the meter or an outside wall of the home, to request a meter reading. The photo on the left shows an ERT attached to a meter. A meter reading obtained during this process is called an actual reading. If your bill is based on an ACTUAL meter reading, it will be noted under Meter Readings Type.

The example below shows the meter reading type as ESTIMATE indicating a reading could not be obtained and an estimate was used for billing. Physical barriers such as excessive snow, overgrown shrubbery, or other structures, can interfere with meter readings. Once the problem is corrected and an actual read is obtained, your bill will be adjusted to reflect the actual water usage. Estimated bills are based on prior use history.

Water Consumption History

The job of the water meter is to record how much water (in gallons) you use, or consumption, which affects the amount you pay for water and sewer services. You can monitor usage by reviewing the “Consumption History” section of the water bill. If consumption changes a lot from one quarter to the next, you may have a usage change, such as additional people in the home, or there may be a leak, and it is time to investigate. In the example shown here, the customer has used less water over time, which means a lower bill.

When you have questions about your bill, contact us. We’re happy to help!