Green Ideas

A Simple Sprinkler Spruce-Up Could Save 25,000 Gallons of Water!

Temperatures are rising and lawns and gardens are starting to turn green again, which means we’re entering sprinkler season. But did you know that homes with timer-controlled irrigation systems use about 50 percent more water outdoors than homes without irrigation systems? When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance goes a long…

Tips For Saving Water While Staying at Home

We’re all spending a lot more time at home because of COVID-19, which means we’re all using more water at home, too. And that’s OK — LCA crews are always hard at work, 24-7, to ensure your water is clean and safe. But that doesn’t mean we all shouldn’t be taking steps to conserve water,…

Don’t Be a Drip, Stop Those Drops For “Fix a Leak Week!”

Got leaks? Then it’s a great time to break out the toolkit. This coming Monday kicks off the EPA’s annual Fix a Leak Week, which runs March 16 through March 22 this year.   “Fix a Leak Week is a great time to proactively do some checking to be sure leaks aren’t lurking where you…

A Cheap, Easy Way to Check Your Toilet For Leaks

Did you know that a leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day? That’s an expensive problem! Fortunately, diagnosing and fixing it yourself is simple — and can often cost less than $15 (of course, you should call a plumber if you’re not comfortable attempting it yourself). First, to find out if a toilet…

Simple Ways to Recycle Your Christmas Tree

As the holidays wind down and the pine needles pile up, it’s time to consider what to do with your Christmas tree. Don’t just toss it out with the trash, though. There are quite a few eco-friendly solutions to consider instead. Residents of Bethlehem, Allentown and some other local municipalities can set their tree out…

Cold Weather Is Here — Protect Those Pipes and Meters From Freezing!

All the water meters in the picture above needed to be replaced because they froze. With more cold weather on the way, it’s important to protect your pipes and meters.   With just a little over a month before the official start of winter (Dec. 21), we’re already seeing temperatures that seem to indicate the…

Clean and Green: How Waste is Turned into Energy at Kline’s Island

Did you know that bacteria are hard at work producing between 35 and 50 percent of the electricity required to treat Allentown’s wastewater? That’s because they’re helping create renewable energy used to fuel a biogas generator, which in turn supplies electricity and heat at LCA’s Kline’s Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. Here’s how it works: Biogas…

How Much Water is on Your Thanksgiving Plate?

It’s almost time to carve that turkey (pass the stuffing, please)! We were looking at water footprints this week and got to wondering: What’s the average water footprint for a typical Thanksgiving feast? It’s probably a lot more than you think. We’re not talking about what’s needed to cook the meal; we’re talking just about…