Tag: American Red Cross
As swimming season approaches, make water safety a priority
May 19, 2015This Monday marks Memorial Day — a time when we pay tribute to the men and women who died during U.S. military service. At 3 p.m., please pause in whatever you’re doing for a moment of silence, to mark the sacrifice others have made for our freedom. Monday is also the holiday when pools traditionally open for the…
Preparing for the worst: A disaster plan can save lives
November 27, 2013The weather outside appears to be getting more frightful every year. Tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, unexpected snow, sleet and hail events all seem to be the new normal. And that means it’s more important than ever to have a disaster plan in place. One crucial part of that plan is having enough food and water to…
Fire safety is no accident
October 12, 2011Have you ever thought about what you’d do if there were a fire in your home? Do you have an escape plan? Have you practiced it with your family? Do you have a working smoke alarm in every room? If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, your chances of becoming a fire statistic…