Understanding Water Meters

Use the resources on this page to learn about water meters and how they work. Find out how to read your meter and check for possible leaks.

Neptune digital water meter

What is a water meter?

Water meters are used in residential and commercial properties to measure the volume of water used for billing purposes. Residential meters are the focus of this page. Although LCA owns it, the customer must protect the meter from theft, freezing, or other damage. Failure to prevent damage to the meter can result in fees to replace the equipment and a separate installation fee.

Where is the water meter?

In most residential properties the water meter is found in the basement near the water service line where it enters the home from the street. In older homes, the meter can be located in a coal bin or crawl space but is usually found toward the front of the house. In some cases, the property has a pit meter located on the outside of the home.

What is a pit meter?

Meter Pit Lid

A pit meter is a water meter located in a specially designed meter pit or “vault.” The vault has a lid that ranges in diameter from 13 – 24″. A special tool or “key” is required to open the lid to access the water meter, helping to prevent tampering, theft, or damage. Meter pits are the property of the homeowner. The meter inside the pit is the property of LCA.

Why are some water meters in a pit?

Homes built on a concrete slab without a basement typically have a pit water meter. If you do not have a basement or cannot locate a water meter inside the residence, you likely have a pit meter. Look for a lid like the one shown in the photo in the front of your property.

*Note – Meter pit lids should only be opened by LCA technicians.

Information for renters about water meters:

Water meters may serve a single dwelling or multiple units in residential or commercial apartment buildings. Tenants may or may not have access to the meter. If you need information about the water meter or usage ask your landlord or rental company. Many rental agreements include water in the monthly rent.

Types of water meters:

The photos in this gallery show meters used in the LCA service divisions. Newer style meters have a digital display, activated with a bright flashlight. Analog meters have dials similar to a car odometer and do not need a flashlight to activate the display. When water is in use the dials and digital displays advance, counting the gallons of water passing through the meter. Low-flow indicators on the meter show when even the smallest amount of water is being recorded. They can be a terrific tool in the detection of leaks. Learn about the different types of meters LCA uses and how low-flow indicators work in the video at the bottom of the page.

How Does LCA Read Meters?

LCA technicians drive a vehicle with special equipment through the service area to capture meter readings in a billing cycle. The software communicates with an Electronic Read Transmitter (ERT) device attached to the meter or on an outside wall. When the computer program signals the ERT it sends a meter reading for the property.

Meter readings are used to determine customer’s water bills based on the volume of water used in a billing cycle. The number of days in the current meter reading is noted on the bill and can vary slightly from one billing cycle to the next. A notation on the bill indicates whether the meter reading was an actual reading (A) or the bill was estimated using prior use history because a meter reading could not be obtained. Learn more about actual vs. estimated bills.

Water bills may fluctuate slightly due to the number of days in a meter reading cycle, or changes in water use during different times of year. If you are watering a lawn in the spring or filling a swimming pool in the summer water use will increase. Check your bill for sudden, unexplained increases in water use. If your property has a meter, use the resources below to learn how to read the meter yourself and find out if a leak is lurking in the home.

Learn How to Read Your Water Meter

Watch the video below to learn about the different types of water meters in our service areas and how to read the meter yourself. Reading the meter when no water is in use can help determine whether you have a leak causing a high bill. If the water meter indicates a flow when all faucets are closed and there are no obvious leaks, it may be time to do a dye test on all of the toilets in the home. If no leaks are found from doing the toilet dye test you may need a master plumber. They have special tools to listen for and find sneaky leaks.

Video about water meter types and how to read your water meter.

Water Meter Care

According to LCA rules and regulations, customers must protect water meters from theft and damage. If the water meter is stolen or damaged in any way, the customer will be required to pay a fee for a replacement meter and the cost of a service call to install it. View our tips to protect your water meter from freezing using regular household items. Damage from freezing is the most common meter issue.

Questions About Water Meters?

Contact us if you have questions about your water meter. Our team is happy to help!