Awards & Recognition

Check out our award-winning facilities
and employees!

2023 Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association Awards:

  • Communications Award
  • J.E. “Ted” Kuhn Award – 50 years of service presented to retired Board of Directors member
    Richard H. Bohner

Chief Financial Officer, Edward Klein, and the Accounting Team were honored in June 2023 with an award for Excellence in Financial Reporting, presented by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada.

The award recognizes the LCA 2021 annual comprehensive financial report.

The GFOA Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

George Warren Fuller Award

Our CEO, Liesel Gross, was recognized in May with the prestigious George Warren Fuller Award at The Pennsylvania Section of the American Water Works Association’s spring conference.

The Fuller Award is presented annually in each AWWA section to a member selected for distinguished service in the water supply field. The award commemorates the career of George Warren Fuller, a celebrated American water and wastewater systems engineer from 1890 to 1934 whose achievements included designing and building the first modern water filtration plant and first chlorination system for disinfecting a U.S. drinking water supply.

Liesel gives her time and talents to the water sector at the local, state, and national levels, contributing in many ways to support the industry. 

In the photo, Liesel poses with Joe Jacangelo, left, immediate Past President of AWWA, and David LaFrance, Chief Executive Officer of AWWA.

The Partnership for Safe Water (PSW) recognizes utilities that demonstrate “outstanding commitment to delivering superior quality drinking water to customers and are dedicated to providing high-quality water, even beyond regulatory requirements.”

Our Water Filtration Plant and staff were honored in August 2022 for 15 years of continuously optimizing treatment plant and distribution system operation and performance.