Wastewater Rates
If you receive a sewer bill directly from your municipality, please contact your municipality for more information about their rate structure. If you receive a bill directly from LCA, select your system to view your wastewater rates.
Below are wastewater rates for 2024:
Allentown Division
Sewer Rates for the Allentown Division are based on contractual requirements included in LCA’s 50-year lease agreement with the City of Allentown.
Fixed Charge: 5/8-inch meter (typical residential installation) = $27.98 per quarter.
Flow Charge: $3.43916 per 1,000 gallons.
For other rates including the Capital Cost Recovery Charge, Administrative Order Fee, and rates for different meter sizes (quarterly or monthly), please download our complete Schedule of Wastewater Rates & Charges.
– Upper Milford Township
– Weisenberg Township
– Lowhill Township
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $21.00 per residential unit, or $10.50 per multi-family residential unit.
Quarterly Flow Charge: $4.53 per 1,000 gallons
– Heidelberg Heights
– Sand Springs
– Wynnewood Terrace
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $21.00 per residential unit, or $10.50 per multi-family residential unit.
Quarterly Flow Charge: $9.53 per 1,000 gallons
– Washington Township
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $124.00 per customer.
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $5.00 per 1,000 gallons.
– Lynn Township
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $158.98 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU).
Quarterly Flow Charge – Commercial Accounts: $7.20 per 1,000 gallons for flow greater than 15,000 gallons.
– Arcadia West
Quarterly Fixed Charge: $7.55 per 1,000 gallons of daily allocation, per day.
Quarterly Flow Charge: $58.00 per 1,000 gallons.