Wastewater Planning

Municipalities Make Planning Decisions

All of our systems are approved by the townships and boroughs where we provide services, and those townships and boroughs are responsible for ensuring proper zoning and land-use planning. In addition, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission and the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners provide input and guidance on our long-term capital improvements plan and other new projects and system acquisitions.

Each municipality (not LCA) must develop and adopt a wastewater facilities plan (called an Act 537 Plan), which must be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Contact your township, borough or city to see the plan for your municipality.

Protecting Public Health Requires Resources & Planning

Did you know that building and operating a sewage treatment plant is the single most expensive environmental project that most communities in Pennsylvania will ever undertake?

Wastewater system planning is an important part of every municipality’s long-term planning process. In the Lehigh Valley, where growth and development are moving at a fast pace, many residents and officials are concerned about preserving open space, proper land use, and limiting future growth to designated areas of the region.

LCA is sometimes viewed as an advocate for growth because our water and sewer systems help to make the new developments possible. However, this is not necessarily the case. We are here to help municipalities with their water and sewer needs – LCA doesn’t decide where and when these systems should be built.

LCA is Here to Help

Sometimes, LCA has been asked to step in and solve problems in communities where a water or sewer system has been abandoned or fallen into disrepair. We have tried to step up to those challenges, as well as meet the needs of the region’s growing areas.

The result of a well-run wastewater system is a cleaner environment, clean streams and rivers, safer drinking water, healthier fish and wildlife, and protected groundwater supplies.

LCA is committed to providing safe, effective and affordable wastewater services wherever there is a need in the Lehigh Valley community.

Wastewater Services in Your Area

We are currently providing wastewater collection services through our regional system of interceptors, as well as sewage collection and treatment services for individual communities where public wastewater systems are needed.

For more information about your wastewater, please select your service area location on our About Your Wastewater page.