Project Update
Water Filtration Plant Upgrades
Large electrical components were replaced at the Water Filtration Plant, improving reliability and resiliency!
The total cost for this project was $1.4 million, paid for by a low-interest PENNVEST loan. PENNVEST funds sewer, stormwater, and drinking water projects across Pennsylvania, supporting healthy communities and the environment while providing better financing opportunities for borrowers. This means a lower impact on customer rates, which is important to LCA.
Chief Capital Works Officer Charles Volk, P.E. explains, “LCA’s asset management and systematic maintenance programs help us deliver our mission to protect public health and the environment. Our engineers and operations team continually monitor our assets and then identify cost-effective improvements that will increase resiliency and reduce service interruptions for our customers. Decisions to invest in asset upgrades like the VFDs at the water filtration plant protect the life-sustaining services we provide.”