Celebrate Drinking Water Week With LCA!

A picture of a young African American girl holding out a glass of water, for a LCA post on drinking water week.

It’s our favorite time of the year: the American Water Works Association’s Drinking Water Week!

Each year during the first full week of May, water professionals and the communities they serve join together to recognize and celebrate the vital role water plays in our daily lives.

Every day, millions of us turn on the tap, but give little thought to the critical (and often overlooked) work of water professionals who make it possible and the infrastructure that is necessary to transport it from source to tap. Utility employees are essential, working around the clock — even through the pandemic — to ensure that homes and businesses alike have clean and reliable water service all day, every day.

Many of the improvements in the health, prosperity, and longevity of the U.S. population over the last 100 years can be attributed to improvements in water quality. Water treatment and disinfection have made U.S. tap water one of the safest and healthiest drinking water supplies in the world.

“Tap water plays an integral role in meeting our daily health, hygiene and hydration needs,” says American Water Works Association CEO David LaFrance. “Water sector professionals, the infrastructure they work to design, create and maintain and the treatment process all work in harmony to ensure safe tap water is ‘There When You Need It.’”

With the recent passage of the U.S. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, renewing and upgrading water infrastructure is a priority. “Renewing and upgrading the nation’s water infrastructure is critical to protect public health, safeguard the environment and allow our economy to prosper,” LaFrance says. “By reauthorizing the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act and doubling funding for the drinking water State Revolving Fund, the federal government is helping states and local water providers to spur on critical water projects.” 

Stay tuned, because each day this week we’ll share important information and resources on Facebook and Twitter. And kids can learn about water through interactive games and activities. Just click the links below to download materials.

Educational Fun

Click on the links below to download water-themed puzzles and more. 

Puzzle – English
Puzzle – Spanish

Eye Spy – English
Eye Spy – Spanish

Coloring Sheet – English
Coloring Sheet – Spanish

Maze – English
Maze – Spanish