holiday safety

Enjoy The Water—But Make Safety Your First Priority
June 1, 2023Memorial Day weekend marked the traditional, unofficial start of summer—and swimming season. But before you or your children take to the region’s pools and waterways to cool off, we hope you’ll take a few minutes to review some water safety tips that can spare a lifetime of heartache. There are about 11 drowning deaths each day…

This Year, Give the Gift of Holiday Safety
December 4, 2020The holidays are almost upon us, and while they will likely look different for many of us this year, holiday safety should always be a priority. While candles, holiday lights and Christmas trees make our homes look beautiful, they can also pose a serious fire risk. According to the National Fire Protection Association, candles start…
Have a Blast, Safely, on Independence Day
July 2, 2020This Fourth of July marks the state’s third year under a fireworks law (House Bill 542) that allows residents to legally shoot off bigger, louder and more dangerous displays than have been allowed for the last eight decades. The change means there’s a higher potential for more injuries. Complicating matters is that more people seem…
Fireworks on the Fourth: Celebrate Independence Day Safely
June 28, 2018This Fourth of July will be the state’s first under a new fireworks law that allows residents to legally shoot off bigger, louder and more dangerous displays than have been allowed for the last 80 years. It’s a change that brings with it the potential for more injuries — and that has local authorities concerned….
Safety tips to make Halloween a little less scary for children (and their parents, too)
October 27, 2017It’s that time of year again, when little ghosts, goblins, monsters and other creatures will be roaming darkened streets. It’s a scary prospect – especially when you consider that children are more than twice as likely to get hit by a car around Halloween than at any other time of the year. With that in…