
An image of a Lehigh County Authority work truck, clearly showing the LCA logo and motto, for a post on avoiding utility scams.

Don’t Get Scammed By a Fake Utility Worker!

Every year there are news reports of Lehigh Valley residents who have been targeted by criminals claiming to be utility workers. Just this April, Lehigh Valley Live reported on a scheme in which two men would knock on doors claiming to be utility workers. Police said that after the fake utility workers gained entrance, one…

A billboard announcement about National Prescription Drug Takeback Day on Saturday April 27.

Properly Dispose of Medications on National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Do you have unused medications that need to be thrown out? DONT flush them down the toilet—instead, dispose of them properly during National Prescription Drug Takeback Day this Saturday. Flushing pharmaceuticals leads to source water contamination, because wastewater treatment plants were not designed to remove these chemical compounds. Aside from potentially showing up in drinking…

A picture of a downed utility pole on a flooded road during a storm, to illustrate an LCA post on creating a weather emergency plan.

Do You Have a Weather Emergency Plan? Here’s How to Be Prepared

The weather is getting more unpredictable, and life-threatening storms are happening with increasing frequency. In the past few weeks, heavy rain, flash flooding, high winds and downed trees seemed to be the norm, rather than the exception. That’s why it’s more important than ever to have a weather emergency plan for severe weather. You and…

A picture of someone fitting foam insulation over a water pipe to protect it from freezing, to illustrate an LCA blog post on protecting pipes and water meters.

Temperatures Are Dropping — Protect That Water Meter!

After a mindbogglingly warm start to fall (it was in the mid-70s just a few weeks ago!), we’re now seeing regular drops into freezing temperatures. Which means it’s high time to insulate your water meter, protect against frozen pipes, and get the house ready for winter before temperatures drop any lower. Most water meters and…

A picture of prescription drugs for a post on national prescription drug takeback day by LCA.

Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

It’s time to clean out the medicine cabinet: You can dispose of unneeded prescription medications safely on Saturday, October 29, during National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Old medications and unused prescriptions can be a ticking time bomb. Here in Pennsylvania, an average of 14 people die of an overdose every day—almost double the national…

A satellite picture of a hurricane storm swirl, to illustrate an LCA blog on creating an emergency plan.

What’s Your Weather Emergency Plan?

Fall is usually the peak of hurricane season, and sometimes those storms make a big mess here in the Lehigh Valley. And Old Man Winter isn’t far behind, bringing his own set of weather challenges. In times of severe weather, having a weather emergency plan can be a lifesaver for you and your family. You…

A picture of a water service line showing where it comes through the wall, to illustrate a blog about filling out a lead pipe survey for Lehigh County Authority.

Help LCA to Locate Lead Pipes!

Lehigh County Authority is undertaking an important project, and we need your help: We’re conducting an inventory of all water service line pipes connected to the public system, so that we can determine the location of any remaining pipes that are composed of lead or other unknown materials. Your part is simple: Just check your…

An image of a burst pipe, for an LCA blog post on protecting against frozen pipes and water meters.

Freezing Temperatures Are Here — Protect Your Pipes, Water Meter

After a warm start to fall, we’re now seeing regular drops into freezing temperatures. If you haven’t already, it’s time to protect against frozen pipes, wrap that meter and get the house ready for winter — before temperatures drop any lower. Remember that while Lehigh County Authority owns the meter, the water customer is responsible for…

An image of two children drinking water to illustrate the importance of source water protection for National Prescription Drug Takeback Day.

Properly Dispose of Unused Medications During National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Do you have unused or unneeded medications in your home? If you’re considering flushing them down the toilet, please DON’T! Instead, dispose of them safely, at no charge, during the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s 20th National Prescription Drug Takeback Day on Saturday, Oct. 23 at sites across the greater Lehigh Valley. A nationwide total…

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