Green Ideas

A picture of a sprinkler system spraying water on a green lawn and a gravel path, for an LCA blog post about sprinkler system tuneups.

Spruce Up Your Sprinklers to $ave!

Maintaining green lawns and lush gardens in searing heat can be a challenge. Many folks rely on an automatic irrigation system to keep everything well-watered.   But before you switch on those sprinklers or drip-irrigation systems, take a few minutes to ensure they’re working properly. You’ll save a lot of water (and money) in the…

A billboard announcement about National Prescription Drug Takeback Day on Saturday April 27.

Properly Dispose of Medications on National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

Do you have unused medications that need to be thrown out? DONT flush them down the toilet—instead, dispose of them properly during National Prescription Drug Takeback Day this Saturday. Flushing pharmaceuticals leads to source water contamination, because wastewater treatment plants were not designed to remove these chemical compounds. Aside from potentially showing up in drinking…

An image featuring a view of the planet Earth from space. Half of the planet looks normal; the other half is plastic trash exploding out of the planet and into space.

Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

Join us this Saturday as we celebrate Earth Day in The Park with the City of Allentown! Allentown’s Earth Day in the Park was started in 2018 to “create awareness about environmental protection, while bringing community members together to celebrate Earth Day and have some fun!” The free celebration will be held April 20, from noon to…

A picture of Christmas trees leaning up against a fence next to trash cans, for an LCA blog on recycling Christmas trees.

Six Tips To Recycle Your Christmas Tree

The holiday decorations are coming down and live Christmas trees are already lining the curbs. But don’t just toss that live tree out with the trash! Consider an eco-friendly solution and recycle your Christmas tree instead. Most municipalities offer curbside pickup of Christmas trees, which are then turned into mulch or compost. Residents of Bethlehem, Allentown and…

A picture of a person raking leaves, for a blog post on going easy on fall cleanup to help beneficial species overwinter.

This Fall, Go Easy on the Lawn and Garden Cleanup

Are you getting ready to tuck your garden beds away for the fall? This year, try taking a more light-handed approach to “garden sanitation”—your back will get a break, and so will Mother Nature. The long-accepted approach to fall lawn and garden care has been to rake every leaf and prune, chop or pull just…

A man spreads fertilizer on a lawn, for an LCA post about proper lawn fertilization to avoid nutrient runoff.

Fertilize Lawns and Gardens Carefully To Avoid Nutrient Pollution

Spring is in full swing, and many of us are getting our lawns and gardens ready for the growing season. One springtime ritual, however, regularly leads to green, polluted waterways: over-fertilization of lawns and gardens. Plant fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus, nutrients that are major sources of pollution in waterways. When too much fertilizer is…

A picture of a raised bed vegetable garden in a patch of lawn, to illustrate an LCA post on converting your lawn.

Tired of Mowing? Sick of Watering? Convert Your Lawn!

Spring is just around the corner. Are you dreaming about mowing the lawn every week yet? No? Then maybe it’s time to convert your lawn into something more beneficial (and less time-consuming) instead. If you love your sod, we get it. The American Dream has long been characterized by a house with a white picket…

A picture of a Eurasion Coot sitting on a nest that includes plastic trash such as straws, for an LCA post on Skip the Straw Day.

Skip the Straw — Today, and Every Day

Can you guess the item that routinely makes the “Top Ten” most-collected items list during the Ocean Conservancy’s yearly International Coastal Cleanup? If you had breakfast, lunch or dinner at a restaurant today, you probably saw or used one: the plastic straw/stirrer. And over the last 35 years, costal cleanup volunteers have collected nearly 14…

A picture of hands forming a heart over a body of water, for an LCA post on showing your water love on Valentine's Day.

Show Your Water Some Love for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, show some love to one of the most important things in your life: water! Water is crucial to your everyday existence. It makes up between 55 percent and 78 percent of your body weight, and you literally cannot survive much more than three days without it. In fact, the Mayo clinic states…

A picture of a Christmas tree in a recycling bin, for an LCA post on recycling Christmas trees.

Keep the Holidays Green: Recycle That Christmas Tree!

The holiday season is wrapping up, and lots of folks are already kicking their Christmas trees to the curb. But if you have a live tree, please don’t just toss it out with the trash! There are lots of eco-friendly solutions that will not only keep your tree out of the landfill, but help the environment, too….

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