Tag: leaks

High Water Bill? Flooding? Leaks? Service Issue Questions? Start Here
September 24, 2020LCA frequently receives water service questions related to interior plumbing problems. Sometimes, customers are calling about a leak inside a residence; other times, customers are calling because they see water pooling on a driveway or in the grass. We’ve even had calls from customers concerned about floodwaters that have entered their home during a storm….
A Simple Sprinkler Spruce-Up Could Save 25,000 Gallons of Water!
April 30, 2020Temperatures are rising and lawns and gardens are starting to turn green again, which means we’re entering sprinkler season. But did you know that homes with timer-controlled irrigation systems use about 50 percent more water outdoors than homes without irrigation systems? When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance goes a long…
Tips For Saving Water While Staying at Home
April 23, 2020We’re all spending a lot more time at home because of COVID-19, which means we’re all using more water at home, too. And that’s OK — LCA crews are always hard at work, 24-7, to ensure your water is clean and safe. But that doesn’t mean we all shouldn’t be taking steps to conserve water,…
Unusually High Water Bill? Here’s What to Do Next
October 11, 2018Did you receive a water bill that seems much higher than it should be? Does the bill show that your water use increased by a significant amount? When water passes through the meter and is recorded, customers are billed based on the amount recorded by the meter. A water bill that is suddenly significantly…
It’s time to face the nation’s water infrastructure needs
May 17, 2012Communities across the country are being confronted with a daunting challenge: replacing the aging, underground pipes that carry drinking water while also expanding service to meet the needs of a growing population. Making the task even more formidable is the price tag, which is predicted to be at least $1 trillion over the next 25 years. During…