Tag: sewer

High Water Bill? Flooding? Leaks? Service Issue Questions? Start Here
September 24, 2020LCA frequently receives water service questions related to interior plumbing problems. Sometimes, customers are calling about a leak inside a residence; other times, customers are calling because they see water pooling on a driveway or in the grass. We’ve even had calls from customers concerned about floodwaters that have entered their home during a storm….
Wastewater Treatment Starts with Screening Out Items That Don’t Belong
March 14, 2019As long as everything works the way it’s intended, most of us take for granted the water and wastewater services we use every day. But have you ever been curious about how water gets to your tap? Ever wonder what happens after you flush the toilet? Through a series of semi-regular posts, we’re going to…
Does your homeowners’ insurance have your back?
November 17, 2014Homeowners’ insurance is an integral part of home ownership. But if you don’t read your policy carefully, you may end up facing a bill for something you thought was covered. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), homeowners’ insurance rarely pays for damage caused by floods, earthquakes, damage caused by lack of maintenance, and sewer…