Tag: world toilet day
Give Thanks for the Throne Room on World Toilet Day!
November 18, 2022Did you know that this Saturday, Nov. 19, is World Toilet Day? Yes, there’s a day for that — and yes, it’s worth celebrating! In the U.S., most of us take toilets and public sanitation for granted, but did you know that estimates show at least 1.6 million Americans lack even basic indoor plumbing? Across…
Be Thankful for Your Throne — It’s World Toilet Day!
November 19, 2021Hey there — did you remember to thank your toilet this morning? We’re asking because it’s World Toilet Day, a United Nations initiative to draw attention to the global sanitation crisis. In the U.S., most of us take toilets and public sanitation for granted, but did you know more than 3.6 billion — billion — people across…
Give thanks for the humble commode in your abode
November 19, 2015An NPR blog we occasionally read points out that Thursday was “World Toilet Day.” Yes, there’s a day for that. It’s dedicated to the “2.4 billion people who lack access to improved sanitation,” according to the official World Toilet Day website — because of course it has its own website. All kidding aside, this is…