Waterworks Blog

A picture of a young woman having fun and holding a young girl in a swimming pool, to illustrate a post on water safety.

Enjoy The Water—But Make Safety Your First Priority

Memorial Day weekend marked the traditional, unofficial start of summer—and swimming season. But before you or your children take to the region’s pools and waterways to cool off, we hope you’ll take a few minutes to review some water safety tips that can spare a lifetime of heartache. There are about 11 drowning deaths each day…

A picture of a young woman with dark hair drinking water after exercising, to illustrate an LCA blog post on Drinking Water Week 2023.

Drinking Water Week is Here!

It’s Drinking Water Week — the American Water Works Association’s annual celebration of the vital and often under-appreciated role that drinking water plays in our daily lives! Clean, safe water is essential to protecting public health and our environment. We literally need clean water to survive—so much so that the Mayo Clinic says the age-old…

A man spreads fertilizer on a lawn, for an LCA post about proper lawn fertilization to avoid nutrient runoff.

Fertilize Lawns and Gardens Carefully To Avoid Nutrient Pollution

Spring is in full swing, and many of us are getting our lawns and gardens ready for the growing season. One springtime ritual, however, regularly leads to green, polluted waterways: over-fertilization of lawns and gardens. Plant fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus, nutrients that are major sources of pollution in waterways. When too much fertilizer is…

A picture of a woman examining her sink for leaks to illustrate an LCA post on Fix a Leak Week 2023.

Find Those Leaks — and Fix Them!

It’s the EPA’s 15th annual Fix A Leak Week. Did you know that household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water nationwide every year? That’s why we set aside one week every March for the EPA’s annual Fix a Leak Week. This year we’re hunting down leaks from March 20-26, but remember: You can…

A picture of a raised bed vegetable garden in a patch of lawn, to illustrate an LCA post on converting your lawn.

Tired of Mowing? Sick of Watering? Convert Your Lawn!

Spring is just around the corner. Are you dreaming about mowing the lawn every week yet? No? Then maybe it’s time to convert your lawn into something more beneficial (and less time-consuming) instead. If you love your sod, we get it. The American Dream has long been characterized by a house with a white picket…

A picture of a Eurasion Coot sitting on a nest that includes plastic trash such as straws, for an LCA post on Skip the Straw Day.

Skip the Straw — Today, and Every Day

Can you guess the item that routinely makes the “Top Ten” most-collected items list during the Ocean Conservancy’s yearly International Coastal Cleanup? If you had breakfast, lunch or dinner at a restaurant today, you probably saw or used one: the plastic straw/stirrer. And over the last 35 years, costal cleanup volunteers have collected nearly 14…

A picture of hands forming a heart over a body of water, for an LCA post on showing your water love on Valentine's Day.

Show Your Water Some Love for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, show some love to one of the most important things in your life: water! Water is crucial to your everyday existence. It makes up between 55 percent and 78 percent of your body weight, and you literally cannot survive much more than three days without it. In fact, the Mayo clinic states…

A picture of a Christmas tree in a recycling bin, for an LCA post on recycling Christmas trees.

Keep the Holidays Green: Recycle That Christmas Tree!

The holiday season is wrapping up, and lots of folks are already kicking their Christmas trees to the curb. But if you have a live tree, please don’t just toss it out with the trash! There are lots of eco-friendly solutions that will not only keep your tree out of the landfill, but help the environment, too….

A picture of LCA workers delivering Christmas gifts through The Salvation Army's Angel Tree program for a blog post on the Angel Tree program.

LCA Employees Deliver Angel Tree, Food Pantry Donations

LCA employees work hard all year ‘round to deliver reliable, high-quality water and wastewater services to our customers. But in December, we always take time to help Santa deliver something else to Lehigh Valley families: food and holiday cheer. Through The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, our workers donated gifts for 24 children from the…

A picture of someone fitting foam insulation over a water pipe to protect it from freezing, to illustrate an LCA blog post on protecting pipes and water meters.

Temperatures Are Dropping — Protect That Water Meter!

After a mindbogglingly warm start to fall (it was in the mid-70s just a few weeks ago!), we’re now seeing regular drops into freezing temperatures. Which means it’s high time to insulate your water meter, protect against frozen pipes, and get the house ready for winter before temperatures drop any lower. Most water meters and…