Water Supply

Anglers, boaters asked to help stop spread of invasive species found in Little Lehigh

Tiny New Zealand Mudsnail poses big threat The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is asking anglers and boaters to help prevent the spread of an invasive species, the New Zealand Mudsnail, by cleaning their gear after leaving one waterway and before entering another. Cleaning fishing gear and boats is always a good practice to…

Allentown not alone in need for water infrastructure upgrades

There’s no getting around the fact that costly upgrades are needed for Allentown’s more than 600 miles of aging water and sewer lines. Over the next 45 years, LCA expects to spend $1.3 billion on infrastructure improvements in the city. But Allentown and LCA aren’t alone in this struggle: Communities across the country face the same…

The High Cost of Solving Difficult Problems in Allentown

Twenty years ago, I was drawn to apply for a job at Lehigh County Authority. Until then I had taken my tap water for granted, but it was the team’s dedication and the opportunity to serve my community that made it seem like a cool place to work. Over the next two decades, I learned…

Too much pee in Walden Pond

A group of scientists who studied the iconic Walden Pond in Concord, Mass., say that urine from generations of swimmers is not only fouling the water, but changing the ecosystem. “More than half of the summer phosphorus budget of the lake may now be attributable to urine released by swimmers,” states the study published on…

Make Waves this World Water Day

While you were standing at the sink filling up the coffee pot this morning, you may not have been thinking about your good fortune. But consider this: While most of us simply turn on the tap for clean H2O, there are 2.1 billion people across the world who lack access to safe drinking water. It’s…

Beer, booze, wine and water: Is your favorite drink made sustainably?

The next time you sip an adult beverage, you may want to consider how it was created — and whether its maker is taking steps to address water pollution. According to an article in Pollution Online, two Tennessee distilleries — Jack Daniels and George Dickel — are under scrutiny for exceeding allowable limits on pollutants released…

On Oct. 12, Imagine a Day Without Water

Can you even begin to imagine a day without water? That’s what we’d like you to do on Oct. 12:  “Imagine a Day Without Water.” Not just your personal use of water – brushing your teeth, flushing your toilet, taking a shower – though those rituals are vital. Water is also essential to a functioning economy….

12 projects selected to apply for WIFIA loans

The nation’s water infrastructure got some great news in July: The Environmental Protection Agency chose 12 projects to apply for the first Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loans. You may recall that we wrote extensively about WIFIA, starting back in 2012. Former LCA general manager and chief financial officer, Aurel Arndt, testified before a…

How are you celebrating Water Quality Month?

August is National Water Quality Month, a time to celebrate — and appreciate — the role that clean, drinkable water plays in our lives. We’ve compiled a list of 9 things that you can do show your appreciation for, and commitment to, clean water. But don’t just do them this month: Every month should be…