New lead mandate on tap for 2014
July 26, 2013Did you know that in 2014, a Federal law will require that all infrastructure coming in contact with drinking water must contain no more than 0.25% lead by weight?
Often called the “lead free” mandate, it’s a significant modification of the “Safe Drinking Water Act,” (established in 1974 to protect public health through the regulation of public drinking water supplies), which set current standards at 8% lead by weight.
The 2014 mandate requires that any new infrastructure – valves, fittings, meters, pipes, etc. — meet the updated standards. While there’s a grandfather clause in place for older components, the new criteria require that any defective materials be replaced with lead-free components.
Thanks to careful planning, LCA is well ahead of the curve for the mandate, and we’re already using all lead-free devices. The centerpiece of our preparation is a new type of water meter made by Sensus called the iPerl. These composite meters — already in use by many of our customers — are stronger, more durable and more accurate than the brass units they’re replacing, and are completely lead free. They could also help us in the eventual transition to a “smart meter” system, in which water usage can be tracked remotely. While we’re not currently planning for this system, it’s something we’re might look at for the future.
To learn more about the lead free mandate, please read this fact sheet from the EPA. To learn more about the effects of lead, visit Environmental Protection Agency’s Web site.
And if you have any questions at all about how this affects you, please contact us!