Waterworks Blog

Aye, robot: Tiny techno tools can remove heavy metals from water

Imagine a scene that sounds like it’s straight out of “Star Trek”: a scientist releases thousands of tiny robots into a heavily contaminated water supply. Within an hour, the water’s almost clean.   According to an article from Water Online, this story isn’t science fiction at all. Researchers from Singapore, Germany and Spain have created…

Let wildlife off the hook — clean up your trash this fishing season

Trout season opens statewide on Saturday, and thousands of anglers will descend on the waterways of the Lehigh Valley to try their luck and test their skill. Yet fishing season also brings with it an increase in pollution in and around our lakes, rivers and streams. Anglers often leave behind discarded fishing line, bait tins, bottles…

It’s time to get that garden started

It doesn’t feel like it, but it’s spring, and that means it’s time to start your vegetable garden. Start with the wrong veggies, though, and you’ll end up with … nothing but frost-wilted plants ready for the compost heap. The folks over at Rodale have some handy tips here and here to get you growing despite winter…

Fertilize lawns, gardens responsibly to keep your water supply clean

Spring has sprung, which means many of us are itching to get outside and start working on helping Mother Nature turn things green again.  One springtime ritual, however, regularly leads to green, polluted waterways: over-fertilization of lawns and gardens. As the Penn State Extension office points out, “Lawn fertilizer contains the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus,…

Drought-busting lessons from the Land Down Under

Spring is coming, which means summer is also around the corner. And with summer comes worries about drought. We were lucky last year, but western states didn’t fare as well. Still, things could be much worse.  California’s drought, for instance, is serious, but it’s nothing compared to Southern Australia’s “Millennium Drought,” which lasted 13 years….

Freeze warning! Insulate those pipes and water meters!

The weather outside is about to get VERY frightful this weekend. Record lows in some places will be in the low teens; in others, in the single digits and even into the negatives.  Before the big chill hits, check your house to make sure your water meter  and any water lines that are in unheated…

Some relief for Flint residents

There’s some good news out of Flint, Mich.: members of a plumbers and pipefitters union have been installing new faucets and state-provided water filters, for free, in homes affected by the city’s water crisis. The new faucets were needed in some homes because the existing fixtures were too old to accommodate the filters.  The filters…

Flint, Mich. water disaster highlights nation’s infrastructure problems

If you’ve been following the news, you know that Flint, Mich., is in the middle of a water crisis. It’s a disturbing event that really drives home the importance of fresh, clean, drinkable water. It’s something we take for granted — until we don’t have it. One troubling aspect of this disaster is that it may have…