Waterworks Blog

Unchecked algal blooms are a green menace

The Lehigh Valley region is blessed with an abundance of water, and for many residents, the summer involves relaxing at a lake, river, pond or creek — be it fishing, boating, swimming, or just sitting  next to the water. If you’ve spent any of that time in mid-July and August, you’ve likely seen a fair amount…

Egad! It’s El Niño

A Morning Call story this week states that the Old Farmer’s Almanac is forecasting lots of snow and cold this winter across much of the northeast. Meteorologists, on the other hand, are calling that prediction a bunch of hot air. Instead, they say, the El Niño that’s affecting our weather has all the appearances of…

Dumpster pools and hydrants are not the way to chill out

Philadelphia’s Dumpster pools have been all over the news, so it seems a good time to remind everyone (especially with a wave of 90-degree-plus weather predicted for later this week) that it is NOT cool to use hydrants — or Dumpsters — to beat the heat.  While the idea of using a trash receptacle for a pool is…

Make your own all-natural bug spray, ant traps

It’s been clearly documented that the use of pesticides has led to water pollution, and doctors and scientists have linked pesticides in our food to disease.  We’re always looking for ways to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides in our homes and gardens, so when we saw these two recipes from Rodale’s Organic Life, we knew we had to…

The land of 10,000 lakes — and a lot of pollutants, too

Apparently not even the far reaches of Minnesota — known as “the land of 10,000 lakes” — can escape source water pollution. A story from Pollution Online  states that scientists have found a host of drugs in 11 lakes and four rivers, even in remote areas. Among the drugs found were those used in certain X-rays,…

A tail of a water-testing method that relies on common scents

There’s a new reason to love man’s best friend, and it’s pretty doggone awesome: A company is training rescued dogs to sniff out contamination in water. According to a story from Water Online,  a Maine couple’s company — Environmental Canine Services — is the first company to use “scent-trained canines” to discover and track down…

Flushable wipes? Not so much

[dropcapMedium]Y[/dropcapMedium]ou may recall a post from 2013 in which we urged our customers not to flush so-called “flushable” personal wipes: “The next time you pick up a package of “flushable” personal wipes, think twice: they’re not as flushable as their manufacturers imply.  Truth be told, they’re clogging up wastewater treatment plants across the country — …