Tag: pharmaceuticals

The land of 10,000 lakes — and a lot of pollutants, too

Apparently not even the far reaches of Minnesota — known as “the land of 10,000 lakes” — can escape source water pollution. A story from Pollution Online  states that scientists have found a host of drugs in 11 lakes and four rivers, even in remote areas. Among the drugs found were those used in certain X-rays,…

Study: Are pharmaceuticals giving fish the munchies?

Back in 2013, we posted about a finding by Swedish scientists that showed drugs in water were affecting fish:  “Scientists in southern Sweden found that fish living near a sewage treatment plant have low levels of psychoactive drugs — benzodiazepines — in their systems. Further study has scientists speculating that these anti-anxiety drugs are having an…

Scientists: Medications in water affecting fish behavior

We’ve written before about the dangers of flushing medications down the toilet: A host of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, anticonvulsants and hormones have been found in the drinking water supplies of millions of Americans. And while some of these findings are surely the result of unwanted medications that had been flushed, experts are also aware…